I was wondering how much the people in this forum would be willing to pay for the upcoming Pearl. This is the maximum price you would even consider purchasing a product for (indifference point). I was think about the Pearl, and decided that I would be willing to spend a LOT more money for one with a car kit than one without. Granted, I know I could put my own together, but I was wondering what the other people here thought.

How much would you pay for:
1. Rio Empeg (assuming you didn't already have one)
2. Rio Pearl (portable mp3 Ipod-killer)
3. Rio Pearl with car kit (mounting bracket, FM modulator)

I'm just a college student, so my answers may be a little different than most people on this board.

1. Empeg: $500
2. Pearl: $150 (no use personally, but my sister would really like one)
3. Pearl w/car kit: $400

So does anyone else agree that packaging the Pearl with an optional car kit would really positively influence buying decisions? In many ways, it would be comparable to the Empeg itself.
