Why not just go ahead and put a call into the HTML?

'cause I don't wanna do that.

Because the whole thing I'm trying to piece together is a script that programatically updates the contents of the IE window based on MIDI input from a program called MIDI-OX which has some pretty powerful scripting capabilities using the Windows Scripting Host. So I want updates to the HTML in the browser to be dynamic based on input from MIDI (my electronic drum kit.) The ultimate goal is to have a graphic representation of what I'm playing.

So far I've already got the mechanics of updating the HTML dynamically based on the MIDI input. The next step was to embed some JavaScript in the document to allow for some more tricker things with images and stuff.

So, just placing the method in the HTML would call it once at the beginning, which isn't what I want. I want the ability to call those methods from the WSH JavaScript whenever I want.

Your second example, using oIE.navigate, seems to be what I'm looking for. I just didn't think of telling the browser to "navigate" to a method that's already contained in the current document. But really, I guess that's the way to do it. Not very intuitive, but it looks like it works.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff