Hello everyone,

I'm on the hook to put out a web site for a non-profit group. I'm hosting the site on my server, so I can put whatever I need on it. Right now I have perl, PHP, Apache. I can add mySQL easily.

My question is, can anyone recommend a good template to use for the site? I look around on the internet and there are literally thousands of them.

The site is for the Minnesota Guitar Society, which is a non-profit dedicated to promotion of the guitar (duh). We have a major concert series each year that will be the centerpiece of the site, but there is other information as well, such as a calendar, newsletter issues, etc.

Ideally, I'd like something with a static header with a horizontal drop down menu and a frame below that displays the content selected in the menu system. I'd like to avoid left side navigation because I have a dynamic calendar running that pretty much needs the whole width of the screen. That's why I'd like to keep navigation small and in a horizontal frame across the top of the page.

I can do this all from scratch by hand, but I figured using the right template might make it faster to get done and make it more maintainable.

Sorry if this is a stupid post...
