My mistake - I meant the average emplode user at the moment, which I guess really means the average EMPEG car owner!
The reason I want to try and get just one way of adding MP3-CDs (or a user-selectable scheme) rather than a clever analytical system is that I want to sell to automotive OEMs - aftermarket first to show them it's good! For that market, anything that might possibly confuse the user is a problem - a clever system might categorise one way for one CD, and another way for the next. A lot of OEM users would not understand this and that gives us a warranty return. I know this sounds surprising, but we get returns and complaints for not being able to see how to eject a tape, or how come the radio can still be turned on when the car ignition is off (we have a 1-hour timed mode when the igintion is off for convenience). And with the volumes OEMs buy, even a small percentage return/complaint rate is a big issue for them.
We could give the user a choice of ways to categorise off the MP3-CD, but I think automatically choosing would cause problems. They need to understand it quickly.
Please feel free to keep pounding me over the head, by the way - it is the only way I learn!