I understand the prevailing attitude is that the U.S. shouldn't police the world, but honestly I trust our government far more than Iraq's. I suppose that's almost a laughable thing to say these days, but whatever you think of the Bush administration, its actions are a far cry from the crimes Saddam has committed.

It may not sound fair that we should have weapons and Iraq shouldn't, and really it isn't. But the world isn't fair, and if it were, someone would come along and make it unfair again. What I hope and pray is that the people whom benefit from this unfair state of things don’t abuse their power. Admittedly the U.S. has the unfair advantage in world power at the moment, and we use that power to look out for our self-interests, sometimes in very wrong ways. Just because we have failed sometimes, however, doesn’t mean that we are incapable of doing good with it. To not use it at all because it’s “unfair” is not being responsible.

I suppose most here believe that Bush hasn't given this situation much though and is using it as a personal vendetta. I don't believe that, I believe he is doing what he thinks is morally right. I don't believe this is a conquest of war to gain ground or even resources (read: oil); I think it's about trying to stop an evil man from doing more evil. Yes, many will say this isn't our responsibility, but whose is it? If we don't stop Saddam when we have the power to, aren't we at least partly responsible when he does violence to someone?
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.