Well I'm taking the plunge and buying a car ('99 Civic VTi Coupe NON-RICED!), so finally I'll be able to use my Empeg that I bought last last May! So does anyone know the best APR on a £4,000 or £5,000 loan over 3 years? Best I've found so far is Cahoot at 7%. Will dealerships give 0% on 2nd hand cars? They seem to be throwing deals at people these days.

Oh, and best insurance I've found is £850 fully comp with www.elephant.co.uk. Is that the best I can expect? Licence held for 5 years, 0 no claims, aged 23. Dearest was £4,500 though!

Edited by PhilipOHare (25/01/2003 07:54)