I have no problem with the mouse. I never thought about using it "lefthanded." It was introduced to me righthanded therefore never creating a problem. Of course, the simplicity of its use can be accommodated with either hand. It's just natural to hold my PDA with my right hand while browsing, writing, etc. with my left. It's just like holding a notepad and writing on it.

For my PDA I could try to coordinate myself to use my right hand but that could possibly take years to do. My right hand coordination is atrocious. Of course having the gift of ambidexterity would be great but I dont possess that.

I had shoulder surgery a few years back on my left shoulder after suffering a torn rotator cuff from pitching. I had to learn to do everything with my right hand from brushing my teeth to wiping my "rear"(righties, try using your left hand for eight weeks and let me know what you think). I never really caught on to any of it and I dont want to go back there voluntarily either.

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Vince Lombardi