My car insurance covers stereos, including aftermarket. Part of my struggle was convincing them to pay me enough to replace it. I only spent $300 and it was no longer available. Eventually, after some struggling and a few heated words, they agreed with our reading of the policy.
My home insurance, on the other hand, covers anything else in my car. They will cover most things that are transported but not stored in a vehicle. They will not cover music CDs or anything else music-related. It took a small amount of work, but they eventually understood that the CDs that were stolen out of my car were my computer and dreamcast games. These were compensated at 1/2 of original purchase price (to cover depreciation).
Our policy explicitely stated that replacement costs were what they covered and not original price. The auto insurance also explicitely included the car stereo (empeg). Both insurers are State Farm.
Read your policy yourself. Most insurance companies immediately come up with a clause that would disqualify something and wait for you to come up with a counterargument. Generally, by quoting the relevant portions of your agreement, they will change their minds pretty easily, so long as they don't think you are trying to cheat them. Also, consider who your agent is working for. Is he working for you to get you the best insurance coverage possible, or is he working for the insurance company to save them money? Our guy, Lou Fisher, seems to represent us and has been very honest while working on our behalf. In return, he has all our insurance business.