We're currently considering our options for supporting multiple applications on the player. To put the player into the background and grant another application access to the UI sounds straight forward, but it's actually a rather involved task - especially if that application wants to access disks for any reason.

Quitting the player entirely and switching to another application is an easier option for the time being, and could be accomplished in a user friendly way by means of an Applications menu. There is already the facility to add a Quit option to the main menu, via the config.ini file, but this currently needs a task launcher to take care of booting the next application and then reloading the player after the application terminates.

My personal preference for the time being is to provide the Applications menu and a means for applications to register themselves, play nicely, and exit gracefully. We also hope to provide some UI libraries in the not too distant future to encourage some consistancy between applications.

The final solution to these problems will probably depend upon a co-operative effort with the application developers.
