So how many of you remember that great late 80's blatant, feature-length Nintendo advertisement? Personally, I look back on it with nostalgia. I know it was an ad, I know it was a pretty bad movie, but man did I think that powerglove was cool, and how many of us wanted to play Super Mario 3 on that enormous display?

I only bring it up because a friend of mine and I were reminiscing about it and wondering what that girl Haley was up to these days. Well, we found out.

Now she's in a band called Rilo Kiley. They've released two recent albums, and my friend and I listened to them, not expecting to like them beyond the novelty of the whole thing. Turns out, this is one damned fine indie rock band. I suggest that everyone go check out any track from Rilo Kiley's "The Execution of All Things". Out of curiousity, has anyone else heard of the band? I had no idea who they were until a few days ago, now I'm planning on driving 3 hours to see them on March 1st in D.C.