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What Im seeing from the stalk is far worse than the front panel. For example, when a song start playing and I make a volume adjustment, it can take between 5-10 seconds for the volume adjustment to register. Shipping tracks, etc is fine. I don't believe I can FFWD through a song with MMarlow's config. He has that part set up for next/previous track.

I get something similar, not quite as bad, and I suspect that in part its the Stalk "wearing out" and/or the resistance values changing to be "out of range", for the buttons pressed.

I mostly use the two inner rings buttons, and they are the most "affected" [i.e. skip track forward/back].

Volume is fine on my stalk and I hardly ever use it though - so that maybe confirms the theory that the stalk is wearing out. But buttons like "mute" [which I use about 2-3 times a week] sometimes take ages to be responded to, and other times are quickly acted on.

I also notice that the behaviour seems "worse" when the stalk/car is warm [from being in the sun], as opposed to say first thing in the morning, when its cold inside the car.

I have a second "spare" stalk, I must try to see if the problem travels with the stalk or stays in the car, when the Stalk is swapped for my spare one.

If the Stalk is wearing out, then I suspect its just bad design in the stalk - given its mostly plastic and metal, its probably not going to last 5 years of daily use.

In which case I can see Sony supplying me with another replacement one soon to replace this one.

Still its a wonderful mechanism, and I would not give it up now. My Empeg remote sits mostly unused (but NOT unloved) in the glovebox.