In reply to:

you have to be geeks like us to really care about this sort of thing

I don't consider it geeky to expect that the DVD release of a movie is 100% as good as its said it is by the studio - after all, thats why you buy the DVD (and pay a premium pricewise for doing so) to start with - because you want to own as close a copy to the movie version that was shown in a theatre on original release as you can [legally] get.

Hell, if you don't care about DVD over VHS or Laser disc, go buy the VHS copy - its cheaper, and watch it on your non-Stereo sound VCR.

It is basic "consumer rights" - we all paid good money to Universal for a supposedly "superior" (to Laser Disc and VHS) versions and we find that this is not the case - thats the problem.

I think actually that the framing is faulty in more than the 2 places mentioned as I watched disc 2 & 3 and found more than a few places where the image was truncated top and bottom and I'm not that picky about that sort of thing.

I can't see why only 2 scenes would be affected - which is what Universal are saying, if these 2 scenes are affected, then why not every scene in discs 2 & 3?

And from what I've seen of the disc 2 & 3 DVDs the problem affects more than these 2 scenes originally mentioned.

So I guess we'll have to reserve judgement until we get the new DVD's to be sure - [if and] when they ever appear.