I have been on a chocolate mission. A local gourmet grocery store back home has the best white chocolate that I've ever tasted, and it has spoiled me on all other brands. My only choice is to find a way to get more of it!

I tracked the brand down as Callebaut, which seems to be a Canadian company. The problem is that not many places in the US sell this stuff, and there isn't even a lot online. If I'm just looking for the white chocolate blocks, I'm out of luck. I found one site that sold the stuff, but sold it in 11 lbs blocks! That was great because it was going for half the price of my local store per pound. The problem is that if I ate all that before it spoiled, I'd be dead

So my mission is to find a cheaper place to get this stuff in smaller blocks. My local store (not local at the moment), sells it for $10 a pound, and that's really expensive.

So do any of the Canadians here know of this brand?