I don't generally speed at all. There is one exception, of course, and I got caught. When I first moved to San Antonio my wife stayed in Houston to sell the house. On weekends I'd drive home to see her, which is about a three hour drive. It also happened that our anniversary fell on a weekday during this time, so I worked it out so that I could take half the day off and drive out to see her. She had no idea and it was a real suprise.

Trouble was, I got caught doing 85 in a 70 trying to get to her work before she left. This isn't so bad, except that I realized a *month* after the fact that my driver's license had expired. This was a complete suprise, I simply never thought about it. Apparently the cop hadn't checked, which was a very good thing: I can't imagine my wife's response if she'd gotten a call from jail two hours away on our anniversary.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.