Not really. Sorry.

I'm not a C++ programmer, so I can't really give you much information there. On an application level, though, it's likely to be fairly similar to DOS programming, unless you're trying to do graphics or something else very hardware/OS specific.

I've been writing shell scripts for over ten years, so I don't have a good tutorial for you there. What I can tell you is that you probably are talking about Bourne (sh) or Korn (ksh) shell scripting. They are the more common interactive user shells (like or in Windows), although there's another different one, C shell, and there are numerous others that are based on all of those (bash and zsh are the common Korn derivatives, and tcsh is the common C Shell derivative). Regardless, their syntaxes are mostly quite simple and their power lies in the ability to use other programs with them. This means that it's fairly difficult to learn shell scripting, as you have to really learn the concepts behind it well and then learn how to use a bunch of other programs.

That being said, some people also refer to some other things as shell scripting. These are usually the programming languages that don't require precompilation. That is, the file with source code is the same as the file you execute (or, at least, it appears that way). Common ones here are Perl, Python, and Tcl, but there are many others. They have little in common with each other (or Bourne, Korn, or C Shell) beyond the fact that they don't have to be compiled before they're run.
Bitt Faulk