Why is it that every high profile linux geek seems to be not more than one or two steps removed from somebody on this BBS

Oh, uh, on my last trip to Boston I had dessert one evening with Ted T'so so we could talk about some filesystem stuff

We've got The Linux IDE Guy (tm) and LT and AC through him

Alan Cox would be so much more my hero if we got the system call hook we (OpenAFS) needed, already...

Where are all the BSD people damn it

As far as BSD people, uh, well, I see mycroft occasionally, but I don't know him particularly well. Next week I expect to see Love Hörnquist-Åstrand, but he's probably not very high profile, BSD-wise. I know Robert Watson from when he was a student at CMU. Not all "Linux people" hate "BSD people" or vice-versa.

It's not hard to meet "high-profile" geeks, either. USENIX is a good place to go. For that matter, if you look carefully over who's posted here, there are several people who have done notable geeky things over the years that don't seem to have gotten notice for such. I won't flush them out, but I do assure you they're here. (Or they were, at some point.)

That said, I think I met Monty the first time by submitting a bug report on cdparanoia, then telling him I could meet him in the SIPB office at MIT where he was welcome to play with the drive.