I think it would be a shame to have to still be using my Mark II 10 years from now.

Really? Do you see anything really exciting in OEM or aftermarket audio systems that makes you think anything better is coming along? What other features do you need from a car stereo that aren't in the empeg? What is it that you think you'd be missing out on if you're still using a Mk2 10 years from now? Voice recognition is all I can think of at this very moment, and that's still feasable on the empeg, in some capacity.

I'm rather curious as to your responses, because I happen to be doing a major research project in grad school on where in-car audio systems are going in the next 5-10 years... And I keep coming up with ideas that are already within reach on the empeg, but nobody's tackled them yet.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff