I'm assuming requires the filenames to be exactly the same, save the extensions.
Yes, that's currently a requirement. As things change, we can come up with a new way to match them up.

hough providing a facility to match files when the MP3's are in hierarchical folders (as I'm sure most of ours are) might be a bit of a mess.
Already planned for that. Starting on the premise that most mp3s have unique names, it first builds a hash of all .mp3s that find finds. By default, if there are two .mp3s in different sub dirs that have the same name, lyrictagger won't run lrc2sylt on either one. There's a -m option that will tell it to put the lyrics in all files that have that name.

If there's a standard way, I could also have it check for the mp3 to be the same name as [artist] - [title] or some such by reading a bit of the .lrc. But is that in the .lrc?
--The Amigo