I can no longer edit my config.ini. Well, I can edit it, but when I synch, the changes didn't happen.
This is because synchs don't work when you run a program by EXEC from anywhere on /drive0 in AC/Home mode. The fact that the program is "live" keeps the drive from being unmounted/remounted by the synch process.

To fix this, you need to either make sure that the programs run only in @DC mode (since you can't synch in DC mode anyway) or that they're run from a non-music partition such as /programs0 (which you would have to create and maintain yourself and recreate the mount point after each upgrade). You are also, because of what's happened so far, currently in the position of needing to manually FSCK your disks.

I'd love to see some kind of a solution for this problem in Hijack. For instance, if it gets a command to mount/unmount a partition that's got an EXEC'd program on it, it could terminate the program first. Or suspend the program's execution and allow the mounting to proceed. Or something like that. Doesn't the kernel control all that anyway?
Tony Fabris