I've decided that even if these things are $400 at launch (that's a pure guess on initial price), they will be cheaper per gig gained than a 60gb for $171 (going rate at pricewatch.com).
I have to replace my 48gb drive now. A 60gb drive will "just" barely get me going again, but will not really allow me any expansion past the amount of music sitting idle on my PC.
60GB replacement for a 48GB yeilds 12GB additional storage for $171. 60GB = $14.25 per GB gained.
80GB replacement for a 48GB yeilds 32GB additional storage for $400. 80GB = $12.50 per GB gained.
So I'll be getting a 80GB when they come out. The above math ONLY works if you can actually use the additional storage. Paying for any capacity that you will never need is a waste of money. I always say "buy it when you need it". Just look how cheap you can get a 60GB now! They used to be just under $400 and they will drop even more when the 80's come out.
Brad B.