BTW in case you're unsure.
$100 for a new sled [with harness] is a good price.

They cost over that new from the SB US store and you can't get them now even if you had the $$.

And while there are bare sleds coming, they won't include harnesses and the cost of a harness alone is not cheap as you have to buy minimum qtys of the pins [and possibly wait weeks for them to be ordere din] and a sled connector and then make up the harness yourself.

All up, if you're not so handy with a crimping and related tools and you think you might *ever* need a second sled - even if only for the harness on it, this is probably a good deal.

Seller doesn't say whether its a Mark 2A or Mark 2 sled, but since the remote was a Rio branded one, I'd assume the former (Mark2A), so the sled itself is not as sturdy as the original Stainless steel sled [but certainly still good enough for in-car use].
The harness will be compatible with either model of Mark 2 or Mark2A (Rio car).

BTW: I don't have any involvement with this sale, merely adding my 2 cents worth.