Nuts. I had to wait 'til my drive home before I could listen in-depth. I can never remember which tracks are which, especially on this album (there are seeming track transitions within tracks and then tracks that flow into each other with no noticeable change).

I'd have to say that track 5 (Corporate World, right?) is the least exemplary track of the album, and certainly the least exemplary of what I'm looking for. There is a jazzy feel to the rest of it, but it's not nearly that upbeat. If you have access to it, my favorite tracks are probably tracks 10 and 11 (Stealing Fat and Chemical Burn), especially the transition around 0:55 into Stealing Fat, if that gives you an idea of what I'm looking for. Not that the slower stuff is actively not what I'm looking for, but I really get into the heavy stuff they do on the album. Then again, it probably wouldn't work at all without the slower stuff as counterpoint.
Bitt Faulk