So I'm sitting at work today when my roommate calls me. He tells me that there is a package for me sitting in the apartment’s office. Oh Oh!! I know what that is!! It's my empeg back from repairs, I seemed to have blown a display fuse a bit back and my screen was all funny. So like any good employee I drop everything at work and go home to fetch my player. It's been almost a week and so I need my fix in a bad way. I run home and retrieve my package and happily skip to my car to return to work. Once I'm inside the car I rip into my package like a 6-year old at Christmas. All giddy with delight I put the player into the dash to hear those disks spin up and for my music to start playing....


No hard disk found. Contact Support.

I think I'm going to cry.
Mark IIa - 60gb - Smoke
[blue]fitter, happier, more productive[/blue]