Alrighty folks, if anyone's been following that thread in Bug Reports on my empegs going into standy randomly in the car... i think i might have found the solution.

I was out in the car for a good 30 minutes testing with PCA tuner, with regular tuner, and with no tuner... and at first i thought i'd narrowed it down to the PCA tuner causing the problems. But then right before i was about to put it all back in, i took all the tuners off... and bam... it randomly went into standby again.

Then i tried to start the car. .. . dead battery. Long and short of it is... i need a new one. This one hasn't been holding a charge and yada yada yada... so ...

Can anyone recommend a good battery for a decent price? I know nothing in this arena. I'm about to sell the car so i don't need a "yellow top" or whatever they are... just a good battery. Does it even matter? Is what i can pick up at Kragen gonna be fine? ? ? I gotta get this done asap... so any quick responses appreciated!!!!
|| loren ||