When will PCs get something like this?

PCs already have this, and it's as integrated as the Mac has had it for years. But noone switched over from Windows 3.1 to OS/2 Warp 4, and instead they switched to Windows 95.

Voice recognition generally works well enough for simple commands, and thats all the Mac supports with the built in program. Plenty of third party programs like IBM Via Voice exist for both platforms.

As far as the text-to-speech, I have never seen it as integrated as it is on the Mac. It's amusing to play with. For example, my machine speeks "Securing workstation in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" when I leave the area, and "Authorized user detected, unlocking workstation" when I return. And for those wondering, it knows when I leave and come back based on it seeing my Bluetooth phone leaving and entering its range.