I'm sure there's a bug or two, but here you go. It strips out the "data" chunk, which seems to be where the mp3 file is kept. I have tried to make it so that it will write multiple "data" chunks to the different files. I imagine that shouldn't happen, though.
There's a debug flag for printing out some additional data and a currdir flag for writing output to the current directory, even if the file was specified as ``../file.wav'' or whatever. Both are off as posted. You'll have to edit the source to change them; just change the appropriate variable to 1 instead of 0.
It can take multiple files as arguments, and will skip over those that aren't valid RIFF files.
It's not the prettiest code, but it should get the job done.
Let me know if it works.
Edit: There's a bug here. Don't use this one.
147694-unriffmp3 (372 downloads)
Edited by wfaulk (20/03/2003 15:23)
Bitt Faulk