I'm saying that you can trace these problems pretty far back. I suppose that there's no point at which it makes a lot of sense to either pass the buck or stop it.
Yeah, and one can argue that we're putting and end to the buck-passing. Instead of saying "well, the situation in Iraq is what it is, we can't do anything about it, and it's someone else's fault," the coalition is going in and doing something to try to solve it. A lot of chips are on the table. Even if you blame the US for "putting Saddam in power" (an overstatement, we supported his party, but that's about it) it's encouraging that we're not afraid to correct our mistakes, and take whatever criticism might come with that. Back then, it was a good idea. Now, it's not. Times change. I would love for all of our decisions to be good now and good in 15 years, but that's just not feasible.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff