bump the ISO up to 200 or 400 when not in direct sunlight

I keep forgetting that I have changed the ISO. I'm on P mode about to take a shot, when I suddenly think "my, that's a fast shutter speed". Then I realise that it's still on 3200 after some playing about earlier. Like I said earlier, it would be good if the LCD displayed the ISO all the time.

On the other hand, you'll probably also have been frustrated by the inability to use depth of field to isolate or emphasize a subject on occasion. No more.

Indeed. Most of my best photos taken with my Olympus have shallow depths of field. Because the only manual control I had over the camera was minor exposure adjustments I always had to "trick" it into giving me a shallow DOF. Being able to choose a DOF myself, without having to do wacky thing is great.

I need to learn some restrain though and remember that a shallow depth of field isn't always what is required or desired

Looks like there is going to be some decent weather in the UK over the next few days, so I think I'll be leaving the office early and getting some more practice in.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday