Good notes, jimhogan.
Whenever possible, though, I place the steri-strip lengthwise along the cut, rather than just using it crossways to tack it shut. Seals it very well, and with a band-aid on top (crosswise) lasts several days usually.
That said, I do now have a new tiny scar on my right cheek, from being hit by a high velocity hockey puck three weeks ago (managed to block the shot, though!). But the steri-strip helped tons with that -- the scar is cuz I didn't get to an ice-pack quickly enough. By the time I got home and iced it, I had a massive lump somewhat larger than a golfball under my skin... kinda hard to pull a cut together on top of a lump like that.
It's still healing, but it seems it likely also fractured the cheekbone -- definitely not the same shape as the other side anymore. But we won, on my goal (before the injury). Yayh team!!