Hijack v321 is now released.

New in this version:

-- Hijack now reads the tuner thumbwheel (or jumpers for PCATS tuner) to obtain the "tuner-id" at boot time. This ID can then be used with:

-- The Force AC/DC Power Mode menu now allows forcing AC/DC based on tuner-id.

This new functionality is useful for folks building docking stations, or for users of the docks that I sell, for when they connect a tuner to the dock (which prevents the usual loopback test from detecting the dock).

It's also useful if your AC power jack is broken, whereby the Empeg thinks it is on AC power even when plugged into a sled in your car. If either the car or home dock have a tuner module, you can now use this feature to force the power setting.

This is NOT in the menu, but please note: A tuner-id of '0' is treated as "no tuner present" for these purposes, so if you actually have a tuner, best to set the ID to something other than zero. The PCATS tuner defaults to '3', unless you modify it during/after assembly.
