I am now posting my status updates here, rather than in the (now huge) ForSale thread for these docks.

As of this week, production is slowing to a moderate crawl. I am still assembling/gluing boxes, but She Who Shall Not Be Named is not able to keep up with wiring the back panels. Her dad is dying (he's old, and has had a good life, but is currently in a coma), and she will be spending much of her time at her folks place in Toronto over the next few weeks.

I should still manage a couple of docks shipped each week for now, maybe more. Currently, I am awaiting payment from a number of people who seem to have forgotten about it..

And I have now purchased a number of critical components for building about 30 docks in excess of my original target. So everyone who is currently on the list will probably get a dock, someday.

And I encourage any lurkers to sign up Real Soon Now, because when I run out of Docking Connectors, I plan only one more purchase, for the exact number of docking remaining on order at that time.
