When I had it hooked up to my home stereo, I put the volume at 0 dB like I've read you should do. This resulted in no sound at all. I then turned it up almost all the way and then had to turn the knob on my reciever up far past normal. I first connected the RCA plugs to the back of the reciever and then to the line in on a VCR and found the same results in both places. What am I doing wrong?

Assuming that you're using all the home inputs and not the sled, and assuming the inputs on your stereo are line-level, then this is not normal. The only time this ever happened to me was when I had the fader set wrong (all the way to the rear) and plugged it in at home.

As a result of that stupidity on my part, Empeg implemented a feature where the fader is automatically set properly for in-home use and then locked out. So that shouldn't be it. (Unless a new bug has crept into this feature. Guys?) Also make sure the player software is version 1.0- there was a bug in earlier versions that sometimes made a mistake regarding whether it was in the house or in the car. You can check by looking for a "fader" option under the sound menu.

Check your cabling first of all. Make sure another device works in the same receiver inputs.

One concern I have: You said you put it to "0db", but then you said you turned it up "almost all the way". But 0db is almost all the way up. 0db is the highest it'll go without going into overdrive. Are you sure you set it to 0db?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris