That's definitely a hardware issue. Software drivers usually can't do anything like that. The other thing to try is if the bios will let you is to set the agp speed to say 4x only and see if that works other wise go Intel on you motherboard. I've been building systems for 8 years now and Intel boards have the fewest problems and are far more stable. I run a D845WN P4 board and it's never crash on me I also have a Radeon 7200 with it, had a Asus board before this and couldn't keep my 7200 running for the life of me.

Just my 2 bits
Drive fast, Play it loud!!!
20GB Original Blue Lens MKIIa Rio SN 030102760, Blue Buttons.
20GB Original Green Lens MKIIa Rio SN 040103268 Grey Buttons.