That web page implies that carbonated water is a viable bioled water alternative. Thoughts?

I just turned that page up with a "pepto prophylaxis" search and just went back to reread it.

I would not blandly call carbonated/flavored beverages "safe" the way they do. "Safer", I think, would be a better description, depending on where you are. Carbonated or not, the fact that water (or soda) from a local source is in a bottle or can doesn't guarantee that there aren't amoeba or other critters floating around in it. On average risk would be lower as bottling operations are more likely to have a stable water source and to pay some attention to that issue with things like filtration, but you can't know for sure. Beer wins the prize due to pasteurization.

(edit: their rating may be based on the idea that carbonated bottling with create an anoxic environment. That sounds good, but I don't think that would kill off all types of cysts and other low-grade pathogens. Don't know. I'm rusty)

Edited by jimhogan (02/04/2003 09:24)

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.