I recommend you check out r3mix.net to learn all about how to set your system up for digital audio extraction. It'll have everything you need to know. For example, it will tell you how to get an ASPI layer for your CD-ROM.

Beware, though, there's a chance that your CD-ROM will be lousy at digital audio extraction! If so, my personal opinion is that you should swallow hard and go ahead and invest the $$ in a player that will do the job right. Plextor is a highly regarded brand name for audio extraction.

To go from vinyl, of course, you can't avoid the A/D conversion step. Still, I'd seriously consider upgrading your sound card before you do that. The SB Live! card is pretty good, but depending on how picky you are on quality you may want to go even better than that (though I'm not qualified to say what that means---no analog in my catalog :-)


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