If you want to set the values before any users login (e.g. at the login prompt) then you need to set the value for the .DEFAULT user: HKU\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard\InitialKeyboardIndicators

Thank you! That did the trick perfectly. (Although I confess it took me a few minutes to figure out that your HKU reference was an abbreviation for HKEY_USERS. Sometimes I'm not too bright.)

I have found the other problem (number of Netscape windows I can open) to be a Netscape problem. There is no limit on the number of IE windows I can open, so I am experimenting with IE now to see if I can get the same happy coexistance between it and my macro keyboard that I had with Netscape.

Is there any way to pre-define the size of new IE windows? When I first start IE, that original window pretty much fills the screen, but still leaves the task bar visible. All subsequent windows that I open are much smaller, perhaps 40% of the screen. How can I make the additional windows automatically open up at the same size as the first window?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"