Don't worry, that's one of the few puzzles that is that obscure.
Yeah, I'm getting that impression. After that one particular puzzle, the rest of the island was very do-able.

In fact, I think I'll go so far as to say: watering that flower marks the beginning of one of the best sequences of puzzles and scenery in any adventure game I've ever played. There was something about that whole section that kept me captivated and on the edge of my seat all the way up through the showdown with the final boss at the end. Each major puzzle, when you solved it, had you patting yourself on the back for your own cleverness. Which is probably the biggest compliment I can give to the game's designers... Since each puzzle is scripted carefully and I'm just along for the ride, the designers must have been doing something very right.

And the eye candy for that whole section... Wow. The naysayers who said the cartoon rendering was bad just haven't gotten that far in the game yet.
Tony Fabris