The problem you're describing sounds like a known bug in one of the software builds. Have you tried putting 2.0 final onto the players that are exhibiting the symptoms?

What version of the software is on the player that's not exhibiting the symptoms?

Apologies, I thought I mentioned that. On both players this has happened, it was on 2.0b11, 2.0b13. (The player I replaced I can't say for 2.0final) but the replacemenbt player I have that had it still does it continues to do it on 2.0final.
The player it does NOT do it on didn't do it on 2.0b13 and 2.0final.
Does not matter if Hijack is installed or not.
(However, if hijack IS installed, sometimes when this happenes, hijack 'misses' interception of button presses. i.e. If you have the knob press to show Detail, when this is happeneing you press the know, more often or not you'll get sent into the 'Volumne', "Loudness", etc etc menus, instead of getting sent to Details.)

(Again, I'm not complaining. More curious that not. It IS aggravating sometimes when I want to see the Detail screen, and have to wiggle my way out of the Sound Adjust levels to get back to try it again.)

Oh, and another note. Since I don't have it installed in my auto yet, so far, AFAIK, this only happens in AC mode.

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper