Despite the fact that I've agreed with them largely in previous episodes, and partially in this one, the latest Bullshit is, well, bullshit.

In previous episodes, they've argued about things that are demonstrably provable in one way or another. This time, they've taken to the fairly political arena of organic foods. And they have no idea how to argue their case. They presented no supporting facts, they argued points that their opponents didn't make, and generally looked like asses. Even the parts with which I agreed were poorly argued.

P&T need to stick to disproving ESP, alien abductions, etc. -- those places where trickery, their area of expertise is involved. In this episode, no one was trying to trick anyone else (except in the fad diet department); they just had differing views. Even in the fad diet stuff they made unsupported claims and, to my amazement, hired someone to go on a fad diet and then made fun of him for being on it. What's the deal with that?

I'm almost inclined to stop watching.
Bitt Faulk