Oh well.

Anyway, while testing the new shuffle variables, I came up with a few custom shuffles that I find useful. I particularly like the last one.

Least often played (5)
Sorted by least often played, randomized in such a way that any track will be within a maximum of about +/-5 plays from previous one. It's a little more randomized than the default LOP shuffle which is about +/-1

Least recently played (24hrs)
Sorted by least recently played, randomized in such a way that any track will be within a maximum of +/-24hrs from previous one. This is less randomized than the default LRP shuffle which works out to about +/-12.1 days.
(edit: Changed 9.1 hours to 12.1 days. I forgot that the default shuffle uses TIME which is 32 seconds per tick.)

Least often by least recently played.
shuffle0=LOP by LRP,-play_count=4294967295,-play_last=1
Sorted by least often played. Tracks with the same play count will be ordered by least recently played.

Least often by least recently played (24hrs)
shuffle0=LOP by LRP24h,-play_count=1099533745246,-play_last=256,random=-675
Sorted least often played. Tracks with the same play count will be shuffled the same as "LRP24h,-play_last=32768,-random=86400"

Least recently played - playcount adjusted
shuffle0=LRP Play adjusted,-play_last=32768,-play_count=2831155200,random=-1
Sorted by least recently played, and each play count moves track's last play date forward 24 hours.
So, a track last played on April 10 with a play count of 6 will act like it was last played on April 16.
And a track last played on April 12 with a play count of 1 will act like it was last played on April 13, etc.
Tracks that have never been played are played first in random order.

Edited by anonymoose (15/04/2003 17:38)
-- John