Fixing my arcade monitor is how i learned to really solder well. It's super easy since all the old components are huge. Cap Kits (a kit with to replace all the capacitors on your board) are easy to find and easy to solder. I'd suggest doing it yourself. There are instructions all over the internet. The best resource/nicest guy is Bob Roberts... TONS of info and parts:

you can email him with the type of monitor you have and he'll send you the kit and instructions you need. My buddy here at work had his Asteroids Deluxe machine fixed at a shop, cost him $400 for labor and parts. I could have done it for $15, the price of the cap kit. The only scary part is discharging your monitor.

If you need any help i'd be happy to do what i can, but unless you wanna waste serious money i'd recommend you avoid bringing the cabinet to a shop. Cap Kits are easy and cheap.

If you want a quick soldering lesson, just download Patricks instruction manual for the tuner kit. It has all you need to know. Take the plunge!
|| loren ||