Thanks, man. I have a crappy scanner, I assure you that the pics are better on film

Next time I go up to NH for some skiing and climbing, I'll be sure and look you up. My brother lives in Orono, ME (we are originally from Caribou) and we try to get together to do some riding and climbing at least once a year. I'd like to get back up to Sugarloaf sometime and ride the snowfields, and maybe next spring I'll come up and do Tuckerman's.

I'm surprised the snow has melted that far on the Lion's Head trail. Of course we climbed on Jan 2, 2000, so there was plenty when we were there. We hiked back down, and were able to glissade down about 1/2 of the way above the treeline where the trees kind of thin out. If I had to do it again, I would pack my snowboard up to the beginning of the Lion's Head trail where the ski trail kind of intersects and just ride down the ski trail from that point on. Stash it in the trees or something until I got back down.

Your picture didn't come through (too big I expect) but it sounds like you had a lot of fun!
Mark Cushman