Installed Cygwin just dandy. Blew some dust off my 'Using Linux' book and I'm off. Now I can really mess up my player! Not sure I need to ftp yet, but I did tweak 1200 ID3 tags in the empeg...

Drakino & Dionysus- I've got a W2k Dell Precision 420 at work with a G400 card. My quake play is a bit iffy, and I have a few (non-play) OpenGL apps that just plain don't work. Guess I'll have to suffer until Matrox gets their stuff together & writes some decent drivers. As for home, I just don't have the time or patience to rebuild a Celeron 500 machine into a W2k station. It would make it drag more than it does already. At some point I'll throw a 700 Celeron in there (don't think a PIII will go in my PII slot) & then maybe. When quakeIII does run it work it's sick fast with the G400 & 1/2GB RDRAM. Thanks for the tip tho'.


just say you weren't paying much attention...