Can the front color display be switch back to blue

It costs $40.00 + $12.00 shipping to purchase a different-colored faceplate for the unit. If you aren't security-paranoid, you can just e-mail Rob your credit card number and he'll ship it right out to you. He was very prompt about getting mine sent out to me when I ordered it.

has anyone successfully installed this unit in a 2000 jetta (I would like to keep the radio unit that came with the car – use CD aux or other if possible)

Is there another opening in the dash for a second DIN-sized unit? If not, you're above and beyond the level of most regular installations and getting into the territory of custom work. It could get pricey if you paid someone to do it for you. Then again, if you replaced the factory radio, you'd need to buy an amplifier and mount it anyway (the Empeg has no internal amplifier), so maybe it'd be a toss-up. For what it's worth: Now that I've got the Empeg installed, I do not miss the previous radio at all. You really don't need to run it off of the AUX on the factory unit- there's nothing wrong with having the Empeg be your main car stereo.

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Tony Fabris