So, make it possible to change settings of several tunes at once, and make commiting changes and going to the next one-click (or even better, keypress) affair.

I so very agree with this. There was a point in time when I was encoding everything with command-line tools. I had tried a few dedicated ID3-editing programs, and even THOSE didn't make filling out the tags a next-keypress affair. I got so frustrated that I wrote my own program to work around it- Jack the Ripper (at my home page). Jack automatically moves to the next track as soon as you're done filling in the current track. I'm sure there have been better tag editors made since that time, but when I wrote it, it was the only program which behaved the way I wanted it to.

I haven't needed to do any bulk tag editing in Emplode, but I can imagine the huge frustration associated with having to do this without the next-keypress ability.

Please keep original filename as an entry within track's tags.

Yeah, this could have other uses, too. I'd like to see another column of data in Emplode which contains the original file name. Then you could sort/search on that field if you wanted. Of course, if Empeg did that, then everyone would start asking for stuff like resynchronizations based on directory changes.

I strongly support popular demand for a 'show info of a new track for a few seconds' feature.

Me, too. Perhaps if we harp on it enough times we'll see it soon?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris