With mine anyway, it wouldn't allow me to choose the radio as source in AC mode. It found the tuner okay at startup and the green LED came on, but I wasn't able to access the tuner. While in DC it worked fine. At least that's how I remember it. All the kits are gone now, so I can't verify the exact behavior.

I don't have any voltages to look for, since they all worked, I didn't try to find any. I guess it would be helpful to have some testpoints pointed out to us in the manaul, other than the 5 and 9 volts at the regulators.

Yeah and the $75 turns out to be too good a deal for me to offer. The tuners just take too long to assemble. Much longer than I thought. I think I will be raising the price shortly.

Check out the datasheet on the IC10 and 11 that you put in wrong. If you reversed the polarity, there's a good chance they got damaged.

If you want it to break, buy Sony!