anyone know what happened with the suit about McD's making you fat?
I was watching one of the morning news shows awhile back and they had Catherine Crier of CourTV (former prosecutor, I believe) and one of the people supporting the "fat case." Crier totally demolished this woman in support of the case, sort of ala Frank Zappa at the PMRC hearings. The best part was when she sarcastically said, "You know these damn high heels are killing my back. Do you want to start a case with me suing every shoe manufacturer, distributor and salesman in the world?" It was pretty funny...

I believe the woman was trying to claim that the nutritional information panel implied it was nutritious for you and mislead people...
Then there were the interviews with the planitffs that didn't want their faces shown because of embarassment. Embarassment of being overweight or of being part of the frivolous lawsuit?
Dave Clark
Georgetown, Texas
MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX