OK guys, you got me, I'm sold. When my number comes up I will definately be getting a MK2 (particularly after my current problems with a competing product, see the ICE forum).

One problem though. I don't do Windoze. Never have, never will. Don't touch the stuff and all that. I run, MacOS 9, Mac OS 8.6, Mac OS X Server, NeXTStep, Linux (but only on a 486 with no USB and rediculously slow serial), I could probably even dig up a Solaris box.

Anyway, I am going to want to get a MK2 with ethernet and I am wondering if I can just throw a ftp deamon, NFS server, or netatalk on there and move files that way. Then what do I do to setup playlists, etc? Can the linux software run on the Empeg itself so that I could telnet in and do playlists directly? Is the music database proprietary or is it something like MySQL that I could just hack together an interface for?

Are you guys ever going to do Mac software? Any chance of a BSD (OSX Server has a pretty standard BSD layer) port of the linux software? What can you do for me?

Will any of the software work over ethernet or will we have to load everything over serial/USB still???

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to figure out how I am going to get this to work. Come on, I am gonna drop over a grand here, whats a little software port between friends :-)


EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration