While searching for a Fresco on RISCOS screenshot, I found this page, whose screenshot leads me to believe that you might have a personal stake in this.
LOL -- and in fact the program in your screenshot was written by Hugo. But yes, I did bust a gut to make the typography good in Fresco, especially with the OS's standard fonts, which were carefully kerned and hinted. (To a certain extent, though I was standing on the shoulders of giants, particularly those of the bloke who wrote the RiscOS font rendering engine, who is about six foot seven.)

I never got round to some of the typography-geek features I hoped to implement, though, such as automatic use of "fi" and "fl" ligatures (which were in the standard code page!) and of expert sets.

Unfortunately, Fresco (at least the rather old version I've got) makes a pretty poor fist of the Empeg BBS, as it doesn't support stylesheets.


155379-screen.gif (132 downloads)