It's likely that it's from the compromised PC of someone with exactly that attitude, that I've been receiving an identical virus email every ten minutes for the past day and a half. Should I just wait a "few months" until this user reinstalls their PC, and hope that next time it's infected I'm not on the list?

I didn't realize it was so hard to block a sender.

Presumably you have no files on that PC that it would concern you to have (a) deleted or (b) emailed to a random address harvested from Usenet?

(a) I keep my personal data backed up.
(b) Why would I care if someone sees a picture of my grandma, or gets a copy of my favorite N'sync song (joking)

Oh, I see, you mean some other person has connected your computer to the Internet without your knowledge?

Did someone wake up on the anal side of bed this morning? I guess I should have been more specific in that I am a home user with a single computer connected to the internet (which technically IS a network setup). I was trying to differentiate myself from a corporate network with 10's, 100's, or 1000's of connected users.

Look everyone, I'm tired of being attacked by super computer geeks (I'm merely an average computer geek) with a chip on their shoulder so I will refrain from reading or responding to this thread.